Mitarbeiter in Saudi-Arabien
Anlagenbau in Saudi-Arabien
Staudamm- & Kraftwerksbau in Nepal
Tunnelbau/-sanierung in Indien

Dr.-Ing. Dipl.-Wirt.-Ing. (FH) Laurenz Görres

References about my PhD thesis

Ever since I was a trainee on a large-scale construction project in India in 1996, I have been fascinated by civil engineering, project management and international construction projects. My professional career has always been in line with these interests and I have spent several years as a site manager on construction projects in India, Nepal, Saudi Arabia and other countries.

Dissertation Dr.-Ing. Laurenz Görres

My experience in international construction projects and my interest in such enterprises led me to take up PhD studies at the Institute for Construction Management at the University of the German Federal Armed Forces in Munich. The subject of my dissertation was "Project management of large-scale projects in the pre-contract phase" (Subtitel: "Improvement of the project management of large-scale projects in the tendering phase by analysing the disruptive factors and the conflict potential of construction processes"). It was initially limited to the particular problems of handling overseas construction projects (from a German perspective), but the subject was extended at the beginning of 2013 to "large-scale construction projects in general". This change was necessary in order to cover the problems of large German projects such as "BER Airport", "Stuttgart 21 Railway Station", "Elbphilharmonie" and other projects that were going wrong at that time in Germany. The dissertation was completed in the summer of 2015.

Förderurkunde DGA-Bau

In March 2017, DGA-Bau (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Außergerichtliche Streitbeilegung in der Bau- und Immobilienwirtschaft e. V.) named this dissertation the best scientific work of the year 2017 on methods of "alternative dispute resolution in the construction industry".


last updated: March 2022

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